Thursday, October 31, 2013

Utah Photo Diary

*Picture Overload*  

^Salt Lake City ^

^Welcome to Zion National Park!! ^

(Pictures taken with my iPhone)

Hey guys!
I'm finally back from my short Utah weekend get away! Sorry it took me a while to update, but this week has been super hectic with tons of school projects and work, but I'm so glad that's all out of the way now :)

Anyways, the Utah trip was exactly what I needed! I went with my family to visit my aunt and uncle who just moved out there. I've only passed through this state a couple years ago when I took a road trip, but I finally had the chance to discover this state and as you can see "Fall" had officially arrived in Utah. There were so many beautiful colored trees all lined up in yellow, orange, and red hues, it made me fall in love with this season even more! I got to visit Salt Lake City for a bit, and then I went camping with my family and relaxed near Provo River while all the dudes went fishing. I honestly LOVED it! I loved the mellow vibes, it was so peaceful out there and I especially loved the great company!
The last stop we made was to Utah's famous Zion National Park! I can't tell you how excited I was, it was just absolutely breathtaking! I got to do some hiking and breathe in all the fresh air before coming back to LA lol, I'm hoping to visit soon again though:)

Hope you guys enjoyed my pics!



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Out & About

Hey Guys!
Hope you all are enjoying your week so far! I've been so busy with school and work lately that I barely have time to blog, but I finally managed to squeeze in time to update you guys with these snaps of this past week! One of the highlights is that I finally got to check out the James Welling photography exhibit at LA's Hammer Museum, it was great! If you guys live in the LA area, you should def check it out. 

BTW I will be going out of town this weekend for a family reunion so I will take some pics of my trip, can't wait! :)

Stay tuned for a post soon!



Thursday, October 17, 2013

October Lately....

^^Random rainy day in SoCal....LOVED it though, I missed the rain!^^

^Thrifting ^  :)

Love my Sam Edelman fringe booties, can't wait to wear them more often once the temperatures drop!^

I'm lovin this month, can't wait for my upcoming trip and Halloween!
Hope you all are enjoying your week so far!
It's Friday tomorrow!! Yayy! :)

Follow my>>>  instagram  <<>> _stephc__



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weekend Recap

^(Wearing: Random dress, Fred Flare shades, Rebecca Minkoff bag, F21 scarf)^

Freedom Fry at the Echo in LA again :) ^

Hey guys hope you all had a great weekend!
Mine was just fine and dandy, it was mostly relaxing, these pics are all from the weekend. On Saturday I mostly spent it relaxing and reading at home, Sunday I spent it in Long Beach (my hood) eating at one of my favorite resaturants (Number Nine) and catching up with my sis, and yesterday I went to LA to watch Freedom Fry again, geez they're sooo good live, if you guys need to update your playlist I highly recommend checking them out! ;)


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