Friday, June 27, 2014

Grand Canyon


(All images taken with my phone and camera)

I can't even begin to explain how AMAZING and breathtaking the Grand Canyon was. It was def at the top of my bucket list and I'm glad I finallygot to check it off this year!
 It was such a beautiful, peaceful experience being there especially with my sister and our long time friend, Gris. These pictures obviously don't do it's justice you just have to be there to experience such a great feeling.
This day will always be memorable since we arrived there on the first day of summer (summer solstice). I couldn't have asked to be anywhere else... such an unforgettable way to start summer!




Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Arizona Bound

(All pictures taken with camera and phone)

Finally! Here are the first set of pics of my Arizona road trip!
We started of by checking out the most interesting random spots in the desert like a pole filled with random signs ^^ we even left a note with our names on it ;). Another interesting stop was the shoe fence on Rice rd. It was very bizarre yet still pretty cool! I wonder who started it lol , it was definitely shoe heaven!
When we finally made it to Parker River, we lounged around and relaxed by the river, even though it was like 104 degrees I was happy to be in Arizona..what else can you expect lol.

More pics of the grand canyon coming soon! :)


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