Friday, March 20, 2020

Sand Dunes

♫ Allah-las- Star ♫ 

Beautiful sand dunes in the California desert. 

Good times shooting for Jacqueline's Collection with this talented team :)

Stef working her magic

Good times with these ladies!

These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago and little did I know so much craziness regarding the coronavirus would happen so quickly! 

But looking back at these pictures during these weird times definitely puts a smile on my face and fills my heart with warmth. 

It was such a fun day going on a desert day trip with these ladies to shoot for my friend's clothing collection. It was a beautiful sunny day and the dunes were just out of this world! We were all left speechless when we arrived, we felt like we had just arrived in the middle of the Arabian desert. *Cheers to more upcoming happy days like these*

Hoping you guys are staying safe with your families! 
I'm staying positive that things will soon get better, we're all in this together.

Happy Spring Equinox!




Monday, March 9, 2020

Hello March

♫ Runner- Eggshell ♫

Rancho cucamonga hike

Sketching + Boba sesh

My little nephew playing with my laptop :)

So far March has started off to a good start, I went to the sand dunes with friends this past weekend, I will post pictures soon! For now here are a few pictures from these past few days so far!

What have you guys been up to? Any plans for the month?




Sunday, March 1, 2020

Goodbye February

♫ Molly Sarle- Suddenly ♫

Last daze of February twirling in my favorite Christy Dawn dress

Color inspo.

Condron Coffee.

Coffee & Sketch session

One of my fave drinks lately from Vybes...besides coffee lol 

Early spring sights. 

Adobe rose, dusty pink, salmon, muted coral, name it! 
My all time favorite color palette lately :)

Neat coffee with sissy!

Juniper rose oat lattes :)



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