Tuesday, December 28, 2021

December Lately

Cozy and layered in:
Babaa knit
Christy Dawn dress and boots 

Coronado Ave. 2nd pop-up :)

This honey rosemary latte from WIP goods was absolutely delish and heavenly

Sister, sister

Cozy layers for dayssss

Our Christmas Tree

Sugar Candy Mountain flannel top
H&M flared pants

Culver City Bookstore hunting

Holiday feels

Daily Harvest matcha bites...such a yummy snack!

Current self-care faves from:
and handmade natural lotion from Pioneertown Motel 

Cozy central in Tkees shearling slips, thrifted pants, and babaa sweater
Get 10% off Tkees with my code: STEPHCASTILLO10

LBC winter sunsets 

Night neighborhood walks 

Always cozy in my MATE the label sets
Get 15% off with my code: 15STEPHANIEC

Our decorated Christmas stockings

LOQ booth at In. Todo market in LA

SO fun meeting so many makers and small business owners!

Handwoven gem

Nutcracker LA event

Lovely handmade soaps by Song of Sparrow

Foggy mornings

Hangin' with Monita

4th st coffee run

Rose Park Roasters

Work views

Homemade chicken/veggie soup with my babe.

Naples LBC christmas lights

Good times with these crazies :)

Christmas night lights with the fam

handwoven cutie

Christmas Eve

Catching up with Carmen and her fam

Cozy days at home

Homemade hot cocoa on Christmas morning :)

Hey guys!

It's been a while since I last posted on here but this month has been a little busy and hectic but in a good way:)

We had so many friends and family visit for the holidays so we had something going on almost everyday, but it was a great time catching up with them and playing tour guide.

I can't believe how quick this year flew by!

Wishing you guys all the best for 2022!!



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