Wednesday, October 27, 2021

LA outings

Checking out Pipilotti Rist's: Big Heartedness, Be My Neighbor art exhibit at the MOCA in downtown LA

Loved how whimsical and dreamy it was


Somewhat therapeutic too...

Little Tokyo

Wearing: Honest Cotton ecru slip dress, Atelier Herderin top, LoQ sandals, Ozma of California scarf, Target fanny pack 

Griffith Observatory nights 

La luna

Getting a factory tour of Mate the Label

So interesting to see how the clothing is made right in the heart of LA 

Clothing patterns 

Such a fun interesting experience and it was great meeting new friends!
As always feel free to use my code: 15STEPHANIEC for 15% off any Mate items!
They also just launched their first men's collection and they added new colors to their athletic wear, 
check 'em out :)

Hope you guys enjoyed my random photo dump of LA
I will be adding another post soon, so stay tuned!

Hope you guys are doing well :)




Saturday, October 23, 2021

October Lately

Pumpkin patch day with my nephews :)

October skies..

Hola :)

Okonomiyaki dinner 

Park date

Apple picking tradition 

delicious apples 

Apple caramel lattes!

Fresh Apples

Fun times at the Lavender market nights


More October moon pics

Saturday mornings with Zoe 

Loving Mate the Label's new Amber color, especially this thermal boxy crop top!

ice cream lovers 

Organic goat milk soaps by the Jimenez sisters

LaVeta coffee shop minimal inspo

Halloween spirit 

Pumpkin caramel latte from Colossus Bread Bakery

Favorite Mate the Label amber thermal top and my go-to quilted Filosofia jacket


Weekend mornings layered in Mate the Label
Wearing the Sedona sleep pants, mushroom sleep tank, and Amber thermal boxy crop top
Get 15% off with my code: 15STEPHANIEC

Can't get enough of these beautiful October moons 

October Tones 

Trying out Ren's new skincare collection made with Bidens Pilosa flowers

Weaving for dazeeee

Hope you guys are having a great month so far!
It's been a tad busy but I've been loving fall and the weather cooling down too, more pictures coming up so stay tuned!



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