Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Nevada Trip: Searchlight Lake

(Wearing: Band of Gypsies top, Brandy Melville necklace, Lee's vintage shorts, Ray Ban shades)

Good Morning!
Here are the first set of pictures from last weekend's trip to Nevada. I went to visit some family out there and we checked out this beautiful lake in the middle of the Mojave desert called: Searchlight lake. I guess it's a locals only place since it wasn't even packed and it was in the middle of nowhere! I loved it though, the weather couldn't have been better, it was so perfect!

More pictures coming soon ;)



Friday, October 24, 2014

October Lately

Ankle boot obsession!

Persimmon and pumpkin season, love it! 

My fave local record shop: Fingerprints

Mexican hot chocolate delish !

Cali golden hour= best hour!

Lunch time! ^^

Chai pumpkin spice lattes with the fam :) ^

Lazy weekends

(All images taken by me via phone)

This month has been so busy and stressful lately, but I've managed to snap a few pics here and there whenever I get some free time. I'm so glad it's finally Friday though, I'm going on a mini road trip getaway to Vegas to visit some family and have some fun too of course;)  I'm not a huge fan of Las Vegas but it's been a while since I've been there so I'm pretty excited. I'll definitely take some pics so stay tuned!

Happy weekend!



Monday, October 13, 2014

October Inspo

(Images via: Pinterest, Tumblr, Fashiontoast, Mija, Free People, Carolines Mode, Life of Boheme)

Hey guys!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend! Mine was pretty chill, just lounged around and finished some school work. I promise I'll take more ootd pics soon and probably take a random adventure somewhere, I'm soooo longing for one!
Anyways, I'll leave you guys with some October inspo for today, I don't know about you guys, but I love fall! I just wish I could  fly out to another state or country where it ACTUALLY feels like fall, and I get to experience the actually season lol... SoCal doesn't really have seasons but I must admit it's finally starting to feel nice and crisp, bring out the cozy knits and booties! ;)



Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"So Long, See You Tomorrow"

Nothing better than good company!
Milo Greene! ^^

Bombay Bicycle Club!!

My cousin, Bianca, and I having too much fun on the subway grates lol

Urth  grub!  ^^

Last Friday my sis, cousin, and I attended Milo Greene and Bombay Bicycle Club's concert in LA. We've been waiting since June for this show and the day finally came! We all loved every second of it. Milo Greene opened for Bombay and they were great! But once Bombay started was just pure art! Their their stage set up, display, and sound was  perfect! They played almost every song from their album: "So Long, See You Tomorrow" which is definitely one of my favorites from them. If you haven't heard of them, I highly suggest you check them out! I've been streaming their whole album on Spotify non stop, it's that good!

Here's their full album if you're interested ;)


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