Monday, April 27, 2020

April Lately

♫ Casey Dubie- Confetti ♫ 

Fresh air therapy

Started basket weaving's been a long time since I've made these!
TBH just realized how much I missed making them :)

Perfect mini basket for my rings :)

On to the next basket....

I've also been experimenting and making different drinks at home, made this yummy frothy iced chai with edible rose petals, so refreshing! :)

These neighborhood bunnies always brighten my day during my morning walks

Loving my new mask by Summer Vega
Thank you!

Super bloom everywhere!

California poppies

Connecting with nature is still important especially during these times

I always try to make time for journaling, art, sketching, and collaging 
Lately I've really been into doodling, abstract art, and jotting down favorite quotes and sayings in my sketchbook.

Music is definitely keeping me sane during these weird times, I've been listening to a bunch of classics by Joan Baez, Tim Buckley, and Bob Dylan! Can't get enough :)

Iced matcha moon milk with rose petals and adaptogens, loved it!

Rainy hike

Finally got to try Golde's Cacao turmeric blend, and it was pretty good! 
Can't wait to try their other tonics!

Living in these pants, super cozy and comfy!

Hope you guys are doing well and staying safe :)




Friday, April 10, 2020

Quarantine Daze

♫ Blue Hawaii- Still I Miss You ♫ 

Hey guys!

How are you guys holding up?

Although it's hard sometimes I'm still trying to keep positive during these times. 
Here are a few shots from March and early April in quarantine, I've had more time to relax and catch up on a lot of reading, facetiming with family/friends, spring cleaning, working out, and even trying out new recipes :)

Loving my Matisse art book!

I miss my collaging days, so definitely taking it up again :)

Sans makeup days

Loving my new beanie from The Cloth Project Brooklyn
It's oh so cozy and I love the color :) Been wearing it nonstop especially during these chilly rainy spring days. 

Strolls around the block and pretty sunsets

Getting creative with washi tape :)

Loving this Dazey cbd infused body oil, it's definitely very calming and it smells heavenly!

Also recently got this beautiful scarf from Apprvl, I love that it's made of 100% cotton and it's the beautiful design. 
Plus it serves as a stylish face mask too ;)

Finally finished my 500-piece "Under the Sea" puzzle! 
Forgot how much I missed puzzles and although it definitely took up some time, I'm glad I finished it without losing a single piece :)


La luna

Hope you guys are staying safe and healthy!



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