Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Life Update

Hi guys!

Omg I know I haven't posted in forever! So much has happened these past months, I've been a bit quiet but for good reason!

First and foremost we found out we were pregnant back in early November and that definitely was news for us!! We honestly still can't believe it, we were planning to have our wedding reception by fall 2023 but we ended up moving up our wedding this February and the reception for next summer instead so we can spend time with our little baby who is due this JULY.

So surprise surprise I still can't believe it myself, getting pregnant and getting married within a matter of months! But we truly couldn't be more excited for what the future holds. 

Right now I've just been taking each day slowly, getting rest, and trying to enjoy these months before little baby boy arrives, we truly can't wait to meet him this summer!

I'll try my best to keep posting more often on here
and hope you guys are doing well!



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