Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ecuador I

Landing in Quito !!

 ^Basilica del Voto Nacional ^

Beautiul interior design of the Basilica 

^^ Turtle statues used on the Basilica inspired by the Galapagos Islands (so cute) ^^

^ Quick fruit snack &  taxo drink ^

Centro Historico 

Entering the president's house for a tour

View of centro historico 

President's meetings are held here^^

Another beautiful gold interior cathedral in centro historico ^

Indigenous women selling scarves ^ 

^ Plaza San Francisco ^

^ Ecuadorian snacks and roasted peanuts ^

(All images taken by me) 

The first day in Ecuador consisted of only 2-3 hours of sleep. That didn't stop up though, we took off to explore and started by going to the beautiful Gothic inspired Basilica del Voto Nacional cathedral in Quito and boy was I impressed! The interior design was out of this world... beautiful, so much detail and hard work put carefully into it! I was seriously taking it all in.
Afterwards we strolled around the Historic Center where the Casa Presidencial (President's house)  was located where we also got a tour inside, which was very impressive. Near the Historic Center were other beautiful cathedrals which were walking distance from the Plaza San Francisco, where many vendors sell everything from toys, scarves, snacks, food, etc.. 

The streets in Quito seemed so hard to drive in, just watching my friend drive us around the crowded streets made me so nervous, plus the other insane drivers! All  the up and down steep hill streets reminded me of San Francisco, including the overcast/sunny weather. 
Nevertheless, I was so ecstatic to be in totally different country and so ready to explore!

Stay tuned for the rest of the pictures! :)



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