Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Desert Daze 2014

Here's a photo recap of our road trip to Mecca desert for the Desert Daze music fest, from this past weekend:

Essentials for the road: corn nuts, snacks, & Arizona green tea ..yummers!

Fell in love with these cute tye-dye tepees!

 Deep Vally, Night Beats, and Kiev killing it on stage!

(OOTD: Crossroads shirt, F21 old shorts & boots, Rebecca Minkoff bag)

Loving our Tepee chill out spot ! hehe

JJUUJJUU singing their hearts out , loved them!

My sis and I randomly decided to check out this fest at the last minute, and it turned out being pretty cool! Desert Daze fest is obviously not as popular as Coachella, it's barely their 3rd year!! But it's wayyy cheaper than Coachella ...tickets were $45!! Just in case you guys wanted to check it out, camping on site was permitted too. The bands were great, the ambiance, the sellers, the food, the cute tepees and decorations, the location,  (couple mins from Coachella) ...loved it all! Some of my fave bands like The Raveonettes, Allah-las, Autolux, Kiev, & Vincent Gallo were playing there!  I also discovered great bands like: Deep Vally, Night Beats, & JJUUJJUU! 
Can't wait for next year's Desert Daze now! :)



Monday, April 28, 2014

Urth Hang Out Sesh

Sunday Funday catching up with these cool peeps at Urth ...wow just realized it's my 3rd Sunday in a row going there, I swear it's yummy though lol :P

I will post up the "Desert daze" music fest pics soon, so stay tuned! :)

Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend!



Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Gas Giant

This past weekend I finally got to check off Jacob Hashimoto's "Gas Giant" exhibit off my bucket list! The exhibit at the MOCA was truly impressive, I believe it was made up of a couple thousand paper kites hanging from the ceiling, creating this stunning installation. 
These pictures don't do it's justice, if you're in the LA area please check out this exhibit, trust me it's wayyy better and inspiring in person..plus it's free! ;) 

PS- sorry for some of the blurry pics :P



Monday, April 21, 2014

Mellow Spring Days

Yummy "Cucumberade" from my fave place: Milk + Honey

Seal Beach Lovin'
(Pics taken with phone by me)

I've been loving Spring! Especially those random mellow days.... they just make me cherish the time well spent with good company, yummy food, and great tunes! 
Life's short so enjoy it whenever you can ;)

Hope you guys had a great Easter with fam and friends!

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