Friday, June 5, 2020

Supporting BLM

Image via: Sacree Frangine 

With everything going on especially here in the US, I'm at a loss for words. It's been a crazy couple of days since George Floyd's death and although I'm still reflecting, listening, and learning from everything going on...Black lives still matter! They always will. 

I can't believe this is still happening in 2020...Like really now....! I'm in disbelief and disgusted with the whole system, which is why it is crucial that everyone VOTES! 


2020 will definitely be an unforgettable year but it most definitely won't be cancelled.

If you haven't already, make sure to donate and sign the petitions:



Anonymous said...

What 2020 is, is what it has been for many of us for years. Then we have celebrities telling us to become informed when they're lagging a decade behind us in terms of being informed. We've had discussions with black people, even black nationalists and black supremacists, many times over years. We understand and not in a "I have a black friend" way. We've read Frederick Douglass, Martin Luther King Jr., Solomon Northup, Booker T. Washington, James Baldwin, Sojourner Truth, Langston Hughes, Marcus Garvey and many others.

When this election year is over, celebrities and entertainment media personalities, they'll be able to relax in their privileged, sheltered, gated communities. Swim in their pools, go on their getaway, vacations, relax and wind down. We don't have that luxury.

But what do we know? We're just from moderate to lower income working class "white privileged" towns and small cities where the amount of people living below the poverty line is nearing 20% or higher. And the blame is placed upon regions likes ours for racism in this country because we vote the 'wrong way'.

Stephanie said...

I agree with you! This issue is something that we have seen for years and unfortunately we may keep witnessing for years to come. However, spreading awareness of the current injustices going on is something we can keep doing and educate ourselves about.

I think now more than ever it's still crucial to vote and make our voices heard, whether it's related to black lives matter, future laws, police brutality, our own communities, etc..many people have the opportunity and luxury to vote (while others don't) and they still choose not to, especially the younger generation but I also believe now more than ever people will register to vote and there will of course be many good and bad changes, no doubt about that.

The right to vote is widely distributed but that doesn't mean that people have to vote the same way any other group does, that's why it's important for people to vote for what they believe in.

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