Saturday, February 3, 2018

Weekend Sights

♫ The Prids- Mangled Hearts ♫ 

Hello February

Noon at Dripp

Stone Cold Fox shop in Venice Beach. Clearly LOVE the interior!

Abbot Kinney

Drawing inspo from these mags...sooo much inspiration found.

This rust side tie top was too cute for words.

Even cuter as a set (skirt)...but didn't end up getting it crossing my fingers it goes on sale soon :/

Sunsets in downtown LB


Wintery "layers" and tones.

Happy place. 

Philz mint mojito iced fave lately!

Night adventures at The Americana at Brand. 

Here's a random compilation of pictures from this weekend and the past two weekends too, I believe haha! It's been a busy couple of weeks but can't complain..I like staying busy to a certain level.. but if it starts getting to overwhelming or stressful, I think it's important to unwind or just stop and relax before burning out.  My favorite place is definitely the's my happy place, love going for a hike, taking a book and just laying out in the sun, or simply just taking beach strolls and taking in the view, nothing better if you ask me!

Hope you guys enjoy your weekend :)

Mine involves the beach (shocker) and the Super Bowl on Sunday, although I don't even watch the game I go mostly to catch up with friends and for the yummy food of course! haha :)



1 comment

anne said...

So beautiful photos. Lovely post ♥

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