Thursday, November 30, 2017

Arizona State of Mind: Slide Rock State Park & Hiking

♫ The War On Drugs- Baby Missiles ♫ 

(Wearing: Cotton On Jacket (old), J Brand jeans, Vintage belt, Minnetonka boots)

Hey guys!

Here are the next set of pictures from my trip a couple weeks back! I can't believe this is the last day of November, time sure does fly!

While in Sedona we visited a popular spot known as Slide Rock State Park, and it sure was beautiful! The natural water slide formed in this "canyon" was nothing short of amazing, the red rock sandstone throughout the park made for some of the best pictures and views! It was just so unreal and pure bliss. Although there is a $10 fee it's still a must-see place! You're surrounded by nature including apple orchards, pine trees, and sandstone red rocks everywhere.

My nephew loving the crunchy leaves!

Fall in Sedona

Outside our Airbnb

Mocs are the way to go...been a fan since forever especially Minnetonka ones, sooo comfy!

Fall scene outside our Airbnb

Chill daze

Miss this spot at our Airbnb, so relaxing especially in the mornings with a cup of coffee.

Hike to Seven Sacred Pools in Sedona

Dried out Seven Sacred Pools 

Missing this view


I hope you guys have a great weekend! Any fun plans?




Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Arizona State of Mind: Horseshoe Bend

♫ Spaceface- Sun Kids ♫ 

Hey guys! 

Back to reality, I'm already missing my week-long Thanksgiving break :/
Going back to the Arizona trip.... I still have a few pictures left to post. 
After Antelope Canyon we drove to another place that has long been on my bucket list and it also exceeded my expectations! Horseshoe bend is pretty close to Antelope Canyon so it's definitely a MUST if visiting Page, Arizona. The best part about this place is that it's free to the public, just be aware that parking is pretty limited but it's still worth the visit. After spending time in Antelope we made it just in time for golden hour to see Horseshoe bend and it was one of the best experiences ever! Horseshoe bend resembles a horseshoe, hence the name, it's a geological combination of a canyon and a river bend, erosion from the Colorado River was one of the main reasons why it formed this certain way over time. Although it's very dangerous to stand at the edge, mind you there are no fences or protection of any sort, you're pretty much there at your own risk trying to get the best pictures possible from different angles haha. Nonetheless, this place is a must-see if you're in Arizona, it's such an amazing natural wonder. If you're planning a visit I suggest to go during sunrise or sunset for the best pictures and lighting!
Have you guys been before?

Good times with my sister and brother-in-law!

This girl obviously had the best view, she was casually sitting on the very edge...

Those desert sunsets tho....




Sunday, November 26, 2017

Mellow Mood

When it comes to fashion comfort is key for me, I've always been a fan of comfortable versatile pieces, or anything loungey-inspired. But now with the weather cooling down and the shorter days all I want to do is cozy up and wear loungewear all day every day, I mean who wouldn't! 

Living in SoCal has its advantages because you can pretty much get away with wearing loungewear anywhere or at least lounge-inspired pieces by mix and matching them with jeans, coats, boots, etc.  But for the most part the typical style out here is definitely very casual and comfortable so wearing loungewear or workout wear out to the movies, beach, or even out shopping is considered normal.  However, I wouldn't normally wear a full head-to-toe loungewear outfit out (unless I'm at home) I usually incorporate other versatile pieces that could transition into maybe a day to night look. In the day time I would probably wear either sneakers or sandals with lounge pants and if I'm going out with friends for dinner I would switch up the look with ankle boots and a moto jacket for a more chic touch but while still keeping that off-duty look. 

 There's no better feeling than being comfortable and cozy all day whether at school or work because you're wearing something you can actually move around in and it feels great!
Although I love to wear loungewear and comfortable clothing all year long, my favorite time of the year to wear it has to be around these months. There are so many holidays during November and December like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's which includes a lot of family dinners, traveling, and holiday shopping, and all I want to feel is the ease and comfort of my look. My favorite part after a long day is definitely when I arrive home and change into my comfortable clothes to lounge in bed with my pup and watch Netflix while sippin' on some better feeling if you ask me!

(Top images via Pinterest)

(Image via my Instagram)

My ideal comfortable "lounge-y" look: lounge pants, basic tee, fringe kimono, lace-up sandals, and straw bag while strolling in Abbot Kinney, good times! (Picture taken this past summer).

Netflix + Chill
(Loungewear outfit set via my Polyvore)

Here's another ideal comfy look more for lounging around at home, which can also be worn out! Just add some cute ankle boots, a scarf,  and a leather jacket for those last-minute errand runs or a movie night!

What are some of your favorite loungewear brands and ways to wear loungewear?


Post in partnership with Nakturnal Agency

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